Asked by shan02 to Joe on 4 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Joe Bathelt

      Joe Bathelt answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      Yes, it’s great. Most of the children that I see are very friendly and try their best when they come to help us with our research. I also like the work, because I think that if we can help children in the future, they have a better chance to do all the things they want to do when they grow up. This is a strong motivation for me to do the research.
      But frankly, it can also be a bit challenging at times. Some children struggle with doing things that we need them to do for our research, like solving puzzles or keeping things in mind. This can be frustrating for them and sometimes they act out a bit. Over time, I learned more how to keep the kids happy and get the information we need, but it cost me a few headaches along the way.
