• Question: what can prevent alzihemrs and is there any food that can prevent it

    Asked by ben to Ria, Rachel, Joe, Iroise, Adrian on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Rachel Harris

      Rachel Harris answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      There’s no sure way to prevent dementia but we do know about risk factors (these can increase the chance of getting dementia) and these can be changed.

      There is no good evidence that eating any particular food will prevent someone from getting dementia.
      We do know that eating a balanced diet, exercising and maintaining a healthy weight offer many health benefits including reducing this risk of developing high blood pressure and type II diabetes.

      We know that high blood pressure and type II diabetes are risk factors for dementia. So healthy heart = healthy brain!

    • Photo: Ria Vaportzis

      Ria Vaportzis answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      No there’s no specific food that can prevent Alzheimer’s disease. In fact there’s nothing in general that can prevent Alzheimer’s, although there are some things that may protect the brain. One of the things that may protect the brain is a healthy balanced diet. However, there’s no guarantee as other factors apart from diet (e.g., genes) also contribute to disease.
